The two-letter code for Czech Republic is CZ, and the three-letter code is CZE, as per ISO 3166-1 standards.
The dialing code for Czech Republic is +420, used for international calls to the country from abroad.
The top-level domain (TLD) for Czech Republic is .cz, used for country-specific internet addresses.
Formal Name | the Czech Republic |
Capital | Prague |
Region | Europe |
Sub Region | Eastern Europe |
Czech Republic, officially known as the Czech Republic, is located in the Eastern Europe sub-region of the larger Europe continent with Prague serving as its capital.
Currency | Czech Koruna |
Alphabetic Code | CZK |
Numeric Code | 203 |
Czech Republic uses the Czech Koruna (CZK) as its official currency, with the numeric code 203.
There are a total of 2 official languages spoken in Czech Republic. These languages play an important role in everyday life, education, government, and business throughout the country.
Timezone | Offset UTC | Offset DST | Time |
Europe / Prague | +01:00 | +02:00 |
Explore the various timezones across Czech Republic. Each timezone has its unique UTC offset and daylight saving time (DST) adjustments. Check the current time and see the differences in time across various regions of the country.
Subdivision name | Subdivision category | ISO Code |
Benešov | district | CZ-201 |
Beroun | district | CZ-202 |
Blansko | district | CZ-641 |
Brno-město | district | CZ-642 |
Brno-venkov | district | CZ-643 |
Bruntál | district | CZ-801 |
Břeclav | district | CZ-644 |
Cheb | district | CZ-411 |
Chomutov | district | CZ-422 |
Chrudim | district | CZ-531 |
Domažlice | district | CZ-321 |
Děčín | district | CZ-421 |
Frýdek-Místek | district | CZ-802 |
Havlíčkův Brod | district | CZ-631 |
Hodonín | district | CZ-645 |
Hradec Králové | district | CZ-521 |
Jablonec nad Nisou | district | CZ-512 |
Jeseník | district | CZ-711 |
Jihlava | district | CZ-632 |
Jihomoravský kraj | region | CZ-64 |
Jihočeský kraj | region | CZ-31 |
Jindřichův Hradec | district | CZ-313 |
Jičín | district | CZ-522 |
Karlovarský kraj | region | CZ-41 |
Karlovy Vary | district | CZ-412 |
Karviná | district | CZ-803 |
Kladno | district | CZ-203 |
Klatovy | district | CZ-322 |
Kolín | district | CZ-204 |
Kraj Vysočina | region | CZ-63 |
Kroměříž | district | CZ-721 |
Královéhradecký kraj | region | CZ-52 |
Kutná Hora | district | CZ-205 |
Liberec | district | CZ-513 |
Liberecký kraj | region | CZ-51 |
Litoměřice | district | CZ-423 |
Louny | district | CZ-424 |
Mladá Boleslav | district | CZ-207 |
Moravskoslezský kraj | region | CZ-80 |
Most | district | CZ-425 |
Mělník | district | CZ-206 |
Nový Jičín | district | CZ-804 |
Nymburk | district | CZ-208 |
Náchod | district | CZ-523 |
Olomouc | district | CZ-712 |
Olomoucký kraj | region | CZ-71 |
Opava | district | CZ-805 |
Ostrava-město | district | CZ-806 |
Pardubice | district | CZ-532 |
Pardubický kraj | region | CZ-53 |
Pelhřimov | district | CZ-633 |
Plzeň-jih | district | CZ-324 |
Plzeň-město | district | CZ-323 |
Plzeň-sever | district | CZ-325 |
Plzeňský kraj | region | CZ-32 |
Prachatice | district | CZ-315 |
Praha, Hlavní město | capital city | CZ-10 |
Praha-východ | district | CZ-209 |
Praha-západ | district | CZ-20A |
Prostějov | district | CZ-713 |
Písek | district | CZ-314 |
Přerov | district | CZ-714 |
Příbram | district | CZ-20B |
Rakovník | district | CZ-20C |
Rokycany | district | CZ-326 |
Rychnov nad Kněžnou | district | CZ-524 |
Semily | district | CZ-514 |
Sokolov | district | CZ-413 |
Strakonice | district | CZ-316 |
Středočeský kraj | region | CZ-20 |
Svitavy | district | CZ-533 |
Tachov | district | CZ-327 |
Teplice | district | CZ-426 |
Trutnov | district | CZ-525 |
Tábor | district | CZ-317 |
Třebíč | district | CZ-634 |
Uherské Hradiště | district | CZ-722 |
Vsetín | district | CZ-723 |
Vyškov | district | CZ-646 |
Zlín | district | CZ-724 |
Zlínský kraj | region | CZ-72 |
Znojmo | district | CZ-647 |
Ústecký kraj | region | CZ-42 |
Ústí nad Labem | district | CZ-427 |
Ústí nad Orlicí | district | CZ-534 |
Česká Lípa | district | CZ-511 |
České Budějovice | district | CZ-311 |
Český Krumlov | district | CZ-312 |
Šumperk | district | CZ-715 |
Žďár nad Sázavou | district | CZ-635 |
Explore the subdivisions of Czech Republic, each identified by a unique ISO 3166-2 code. These codes are crucial for identifying regions within the country and are used for various administrative, geographic, and data purposes.
To learn more about Czech Republic's history, geography, culture, economy, and other key aspects, visit the Czech Republic Wikipedia page.
To learn more about Czech Republic's ISO country codes (alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric), visit the ISO 3166-1 page for Czech Republic.
For geographical info about Czech Republic, visit the Geonames page. It covers coordinates, elevation, administrative divisions, and nearby locations.