Country codes Wallis & Futuna

Wallis & Futuna Flag

ISO 3166-1





The two-letter code for Wallis & Futuna is WF, and the three-letter code is WLF, as per ISO 3166-1 standards.

Dialing Code


The dialing code for Wallis & Futuna is +681, used for international calls to the country from abroad.

Top Level Domain


The top-level domain (TLD) for Wallis & Futuna is .wf, used for country-specific internet addresses.

Country Details

Formal NameWallis & Futuna
CapitalMata Utu
Sub RegionPolynesia

Wallis & Futuna is located in the Polynesia sub-region of the larger Oceania continent with Mata Utu as its capital.


CurrencyCFP Franc
Alphabetic CodeXPF
Numeric Code953

Wallis & Futuna uses the CFP Franc (XPF) as its official currency, with the numeric code 953.


wls (wls)
fud (fud)
French (Wallis & Futuna) (fr-WF)

There are a total of 3 official languages spoken in Wallis & Futuna. These languages play an important role in everyday life, education, government, and business throughout the country.


TimezoneOffset UTCOffset DSTTime
Pacific / Wallis+12:00+12:00

Explore the various timezones across Wallis & Futuna. Each timezone has its unique UTC offset and daylight saving time (DST) adjustments. Check the current time and see the differences in time across various regions of the country.

ISO 3166-2 Codes

Subdivision nameSubdivision categoryISO Code
Aloadministrative precinctWF-AL
Sigaveadministrative precinctWF-SG
Uveaadministrative precinctWF-UV

Explore the subdivisions of Wallis & Futuna, each identified by a unique ISO 3166-2 code. These codes are crucial for identifying regions within the country and are used for various administrative, geographic, and data purposes.

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Helpful Resources

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To learn more about Wallis & Futuna's history, geography, culture, economy, and other key aspects, visit the Wallis & Futuna Wikipedia page.
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To learn more about Wallis & Futuna's ISO country codes (alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric), visit the ISO 3166-1 page for Wallis & Futuna.
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For geographical info about Wallis & Futuna, visit the Geonames page. It covers coordinates, elevation, administrative divisions, and nearby locations.