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Argentina Postal codes (CPA)


List of Provinces and postal codes in Argentina

Province Localities Postal codes Postal codes (Range)
Buenos Aires 3187 548 B1601 - B8512
Catamarca 783 48 K4139 - K5753
Chaco 448 43 H3500 - H3734
Chubut 442 46 U8211 - U9431
Cordoba 2395 290 X2189 - X8522
Corrientes 1209 71 W3185 - W3641
Entre Rios 1076 110 E1647 - E3826
Formosa 370 24 P3511 - P7401
Jujuy 472 42 Y4411 - Y4655
La Pampa 712 62 L3203 - L8336
La Rioja 370 45 F5263 - F5741
Mendoza 566 78 M5435 - M6279
Misiones 391 42 N3300 - N3601
Neuquen 464 29 Q3353 - Q8407
Rio Negro 454 47 R8134 - R9138
Salta 930 56 A3636 - A4651
San Juan 396 36 J5400 - J5546
San Luis 1250 60 D4703 - D6721
Santa Cruz 263 23 Z8401 - Z9407
Santa Fe 990 225 S2000 - S8148
Santiago Del Estero 1947 109 G2340 - G5714
Tierra Del Fuego 48 5 V9409 - V9421
Tucuman 1095 66 T4000 - T5157

Interactive Postal code lookup Map

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Argentina Postal system

Argentina, the eighth-largest country in the world, has a well-organized postal code system to ensure the efficient delivery of mail and packages across its diverse regions. Known as "Código Postal Argentino" (CPA), Argentina's postal codes are essential for accurately identifying specific locations within its vast territory, covering urban centers, rural areas, and everything in between. This page provides an overview of the postal code system in Argentina, a postal code search tool, and an interactive map for better understanding.

Format of Argentina Postal Codes

Argentina's postal codes follow a specific alphanumeric format designed for clarity and precision. The format is:

Letter + Four Digits + Three Letters

For example: B1702BDV

  • First Letter: Represents the province or region, based on an official code. For instance, "B" stands for Buenos Aires.
  • Four Digits: Indicate the locality or district.
  • Last Three Letters: Provide additional precision for a specific address within the locality, often reflecting the street or building.
Example for Argentina Postal Codes format

This system allows for detailed identification, making mail distribution more efficient.

History of Argentina Postal Codes

Argentina introduced its postal code system in the late 20th century to streamline mail sorting and delivery processes. Initially, the postal codes were simple numeric identifiers for large geographic areas. However, as the country's population grew and urbanization increased, the system was revised to be more precise. The modern CPA system was introduced in 1999, incorporating a combination of letters and numbers to accommodate the complexity of addresses in densely populated cities and rural regions. This evolution improved mail accuracy and delivery speed, ensuring that every address, whether in Buenos Aires or the Patagonia wilderness, could be uniquely identified.

Implementation of Argentina Postal Codes

The implementation of the CPA system was a collaborative effort between the Argentine government and the national postal service, Correo Argentino. Key steps in this process included:

  • Mapping Regions: Geographic zones were carefully mapped to assign unique codes to provinces, cities, and neighborhoods.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Information about the new postal code system was disseminated through advertisements, pamphlets, and digital platforms to educate the public.
  • Database Updates: Addresses in government and private databases were updated to include the CPA format, ensuring compatibility across sectors.
  • Postal Worker Training: Staff received extensive training to use and understand the new system for accurate sorting and delivery.

The CPA system has since become an integral part of Argentina's postal operations, supporting domestic and international correspondence.

Interactive Map for Argentina Postal Codes

The interactive map provides a visual way to explore postal codes in Argentina:

How to use the Interactive Map:

  • On Page Load: The map displays Argentina's coordinates.
  • By Province: Selecting a province centers the map on its coordinates, showing its region-specific postal codes.
  • Click Anywhere: Clicking a location on the map reveals:
    • The postal code for that location.
    • The address, latitude, and longitude.

For example, clicking on a location in Buenos Aires may display:

  • Postal Code: B1702BDV
  • Address: 3176, 257 - Teniente General Pablo Riccheri, Villa Reconquista, Ciudadela, Partido de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires.
  • Latitude: -34.6245
  • Longitude: -58.5386

How to Use the Postal Code Search Tool

Our website offers two easy ways to search for postal codes in Argentina:

1. Search by Province

  • Step 1: Use the first form to select a Province from the dropdown menu. Search by Province - step 1
  • Step 3: The table will display all postal codes, regions, and associated areas for that province. Search by Province - step 2

2. Search by Postal Code

  • Enter a postal code in the input field. Postal code search - step 1
  • The tool will provide a detailed list of addresses, districts, and regions associated with the entered code. Postal code search - step 2

Additionally, our interactive map displays Postal codes for various locations across Argentina. You can click anywhere on the map to see detailed information about the postal code for that area, including latitude, longitude, and the exact address.

Helpful Resources

Código Postal Argentino

To learn more about the Postal codes system and guidelines for efficient mail delivery across Argentina, visit Argentina Post's official website.
Guidelines for Addressing Mail in Argentina

See this document from Universal Postal Union for the comprehensive guidelines on correctly addressing mail within Argentina.
Wikipedia W Icon

Learn more about the historical context and the structure of Postal codes on the Postal codes in Argentina Wikipedia Page.
AzInfoportal icon

Check the Argentina country codes page for more information on ISO codes or abbreviations for each Provinces and Regions in Argentina.

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